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Canarsie assessment

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #19

IdentificationEntered by (name)Hank
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)partial
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe) 4 [A4]
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health services
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #18

IdentificationEntered by (name)Hank
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)joe
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe) 4 [A4]
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable) 4 [4]
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health servicesYes [Y]
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chainsYes [Y]
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #17

IdentificationEntered by (name)
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe)
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health services
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #16

IdentificationEntered by (name)
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe)
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health services
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #14

IdentificationEntered by (name)Mike
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)completing
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe) 4 [A4]
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health servicesYes [Y]
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #13

IdentificationEntered by (name)
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe)
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health services
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation

Canarsie Neighborhood Assessment v0.61 #11

IdentificationEntered by (name)
Name(s) and age(s) of individual(s) at location being described (list primary contact person first)
Contact info and preferred method (phone #, email address, etc)
Organization of person being surveyed (if appropriate)
Type of location being descibed
Location name (if appropriate)
Size of population covered by survey
Street Address
NEIGHBORHOOD RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT HOUSING: How secure and safe do people feel in their homes? (1 not safe at all – 7 perfectly safe)
2.1 ENERGY / TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT: To what degree are people able to keep warm in cold conditions and keep cool in hot conditions? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
2.2 ENERGY / ELECTRICITY: To what degree do people have access to sufficient and reliable electricity? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
3. WATER: To what degree do people have access to drinking water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
4.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SOLIDS: What is the reliability of the solid waste management (trash removal, recycling, etc)? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
4.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT / SEWAGE: What is the reliability of the human waste management and sewage systems? (1 no reliability at all – 7 complete reliability)
5. FOOD SECURITY: To what degree do people have access to food in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality? (1 no access at all - 7 sufficient access to answer all their needs)
6.1 SUPPLY CHAINS / RELIABILITY : To what degree are the community's supply chains sufficient, reliable and stable? (1 not at all sufficient, reliable and stable  – 7 very sufficient, reliable and stable )
7.1 HEALTH / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY: To what degree are people able to maintain their living and working environment free from mold growth and other hazards? (1 not capable at all – 7 fully capable)
7.2 HEALTH / HYGIENE AND PREVENTION: How effective and widespread are good practices in hygiene and disease prevention in the neighborhood? (1 no good practices at all – 7 perfectly effective practices)
7.3 HEALTH / HEALTH SERVICES: To what degree are quality health care services being provided at an affordable cost in the neighborhood? (1 no quality and affordable healthcare at all - 7 sufficient quality and affordable healthcare)
8.1 ECONOMY / VIABLE VALUE CHAINS: To what degree are people free from economic challenges? (1 a lot of economic challenges – 7 no economic challenges at all)
8.2 ECONOMY / LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: To what degree are people who want to work locally able to access local jobs? (1 no access at all – 7 complete access)
9. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: To what degree can people communicate effectively with communication and computing devices? (1 no capacity at all – 7 complete capacity)
10. COMMUNITY / SOLIDARITY: To what degree does the community reach out to help each other? (1 completely on their own – 7 fully supported by the community)
11. COMMUNITY / SECURITY: To what degree does the community feel secure? (1 no security at all - 7 complete security)
12. COMMUNITY / SERVICES: To what degree are social problems addressed through current services? (1 not addressed at all – 7 fully addressed )
13. COMMUNITY / COMMONS AREAS: To what degree does the community have the facilities and resources to enable community-based organizations and residents in need to meet and solve problems? (1 no facilities nor resources at all – 7 sufficient facilities and resources)
14. COMMUNITY / ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS: To what degree are anchor institutions (e.g. hospitals, colleges, manufacturing, information services) supporting the quality of life, economy and local employment within the community?  (1 no support at all – 7 full support)
15. COMMUNITY / RENEWABLE ENERGY: To what degree is the community moving toward 100% renewable energy? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
16. COMMUNITY / LOCAL AND HEALTHY FOOD: To what degree is the community setting up community gardens and local farms to produce food locally? (1 no advancement at all – 7 complete advancement)
17. EMERGENCY / COASTAL PROTECTION INFRASTRUCTURE: To what degree are there appropriate coastal protection infrastructures in place to protect the community from flooding? (1 no coastal protection at all – 7 perfect coastal protection)
18. EMERGENCY / SHELTER IN PLACE: In case of a disaster, to what degree would people be able to shelter in their home safely? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
19. EMERGENCY / PLACE TO EVACUATE: In case people need to evacuate their home, to what degree would they have access to nearby, alternative housing? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
20. EMERGENCY / MEANS OF EVACUATION: In emergency conditions, to what degree would the community have appropriate access to mass transit or other transportation? (1 no access at all – 7 full access)
21. EMERGENCY / COMMUNICATION In case of an emergency that compromises central grid communications and computing, to what degree could people still communicate effectively? (1 no capacity at all – 7 full capacity)
Resident(s) at the location being described would like a referral for case management assistanceCase Management help with (select all that apply)Housing
Environmental health and safety
Shelter and evacuation systems
Supply chains
Food security
Clean water
Hygiene and prevention
Sewer systems
Waste management
Health services
Psychosocial environment
Communication systems
Coastal Protection infrastructure
Community security
Social services
Community commons areas
Viable value chains
Migration and transformation


howdy folks
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