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New reckoning for WHO vaccine plan as governments go it alone

CDC director clarifies change in coronavirus testing guidelines after backlash

In contrast to US, WHO backs testing people without symptoms

GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization said Thursday that countries should actively test people to find coronavirus cases even if they don’t show symptoms — a stance that comes after the U.S. health agency switched its policy to say that asymptomatic contacts of infected people don’t need to be tested.

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Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine candidates require ultra-low temperatures, raising questions about storage, distribution

Trump administration to purchase 150 million Abbott COVID-19 tests for $750 million

Justice Dept. requests nursing home covid-19 data from four Democratic governors

INNOVATIONS: Japanese firms develop ways to cool facewmasks.p

Maine sleep-away camps prevented coronavirus spread among more than 1,000 people, CDC report finds

EU pays 336 million euros for doses of AstraZeneca's potential COVID-19 vaccine

FDA authorizes Abbott’s fast $5 COVID-19 test

A COVID-19 test that takes 15 minutes and can be run without lab equipment was just granted emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration. It will cost $5, and runs on a simple card that uses the same technology as a pregnancy test.

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Japanese researchers say ozone effective in neutralising coronavirus

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese researchers said on Wednesday that low concentrations of ozone can neutralise coronavirus particles, potentially providing a way for hospitals to disinfect examination rooms and waiting areas.

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Damage from whopper hurricanes rising for many reasons

 ...America and the world are getting more frequent and bigger multibillion dollar tropical catastrophes like Hurricane Laura, which is menacing the U.S. Gulf Coast, because of a combination of increased coastal development, natural climate cycles, reductions in air pollution and man-made climate change, experts say.

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Covid-19 adds extra headache to Hurricane Laura evacuations

Plenty of coronavirus tests are available, but they're not being used

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The coronavirus may shut down the immune system’s vital classrooms


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