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FDA head says agency could consider authorization for Covid-19 vaccine before Phase 3 trials are complete, Financial Times reports

Scientists see downsides to top COVID-10 vaccines from Russia, China

EU offers 400 million euros to WHO-led COVID-19 vaccine initiative

Mutated coronavirus strain found in Indonesia as cases jump

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A more infectious mutation of the new coronavirus has been found in Indonesia, the Jakarta-based Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology said on Sunday, as the Southeast Asian country’s caseload surges.

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Looking to Reopen, Colleges Become Labs for Coronavirus Tests and Tracking Apps

Thousands of students returning to the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York this month are being asked to wear masks in public, register their health status online each day and electronically log classroom visits for contact tracing if a coronavirus outbreak occurs. But the most novel effort at the school to measure and limit virus spread will require little effort and come quite naturally.

Students need only use the bathroom.

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U.S. coronavirus cases approach 6 million as Midwest, schools face outbreaks

(Reuters) - U.S. cases of the novel coronavirus were approaching 6 million on Sunday as many Midwest states reported increasing infections, according to a Reuters tally.

Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota have recently reported record one-day increases in new cases while Montana and Idaho are seeing record numbers of currently hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

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COVID-19 treatment without research to back it up

Update: Virus Infections rise to more than 1,000 on University of Alabama campus

Hundreds protest against exams in India as virus cases hit new peak

Coronavirus cases in some European countries are rising again, but with fewer deaths. For now.

ANALYSIS/FACTCHECK: G.O.P. Convention Created an Alternative America Beyond Covid-19

For four days, the Republican National Convention constructed a false image of America beyond the pandemic, where President Trump had moved quickly and effectively to crush the coronavirus.

The truth is another story.

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Most U.S. states reject Trump administration's new COVID-19 testing guidance- Reuters survey

Doctors find possible case of Covid-19 reinfection in US

(CNN)A 25-year-old Nevada man appears to be the first documented case of Covid-19 reinfection in the United States.

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Large U.S. covid-19 vaccine trials are halfway enrolled, but lag on participant diversity

UK to allow emergency use of any effective COVID-19 vaccine

LONDON (AP) — Britain is preparing to revise its laws to allow the emergency use of any effective coronavirus vaccine before it is fully licensed — but only if the shots meet required safety and quality standards.

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