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Ground Water Source (Open Loop) Heat Pump Systems

An open-loop, ground-water heat pump, uses a surface or underground water source (such as a lake, river, or well) as the heat source and sink. Well water designs are the most common and seem to be the most cost effective. The well supplies both domestic water and water for the heat pump. Approximately three gallons per minute of well water are needed per ton of cooling capacity.

Ground water source open-loop heat pumps use the same concept as the ground coupled units - for example, in the Midwest the temperature of the earth near the surface and the water in it (aquifer) is typically around 55°F. Water is taken from the ground or surface water (pond, lake, etc.), circulated to the individual heat pumps and the returned to the ground via a disposal well, returned to the lake or pond, or where permitted discharged into a stream or river.

When more units are heating than cooling the circulating water temperature drops prior to disposal. Conversely, when more units are cooling than heating, the circulating water is warmed prior to disposal.


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How My Mobile Devices are Ready for the Next Storm: Fenix ReadySet - by Kevin C. Tofel - November 7, 2012

After 4 days without power thanks to Hurricane Sandy, something arrived today that will help keep my mobile devices fully charged and connected to the web. I backed a Fenix ReadySet on Kickstarter, which is a large battery that charges with an included solar panel.


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NYC Housing: A Tale of Two Cities

Safe, Affordable Homes for All New Yorkers



Click here to download or view a PDF version of Safe, Affordable Homes for All New Yorkers.


We live a Tale of Two Cities. The wealthiest New Yorkers enjoy a life of luxury, while many working and retired families can barely pay the rent. At the very bottom, 50,000 New Yorkers sleep in shelters every night. But the challenge is much greater. Almost half of all New Yorkers spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing — and one-third of households spend at least half on housing.

In 10 years, New York City has lost nearly as many affordable apartments as it has built or preserved. Gentrification, unscrupulous landlords, and the real estate lobby’s hold on government have pulled tens of thousands of apartments out of rent stabilization, and more are lost every year.

The de Blasio Record on Affordable Housing


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Reworking New York's Flood Map Post-Hurricane Sandy


The new map could put twice as many homes in the flood zone and raise premiums for many homeowners. - by Al Shaw - June 12, 2013

. . . while Sandy’s water has long receded and the bulldozers have left, a residual effect for homeowners along the city’s coastline still lurks quietly beneath the surface. It comes in the form of a July 2012 law called the Biggert-Waters Act, which will end subsidized rates for property owners who are remapped into more severe flood zones, increasing their flood insurance premiums 20 percent a year until they reach market rates, and will apply those higher rates for newly purchased property.

The potential increases, which proponents say are necessary to sustain the National Flood Insurance Program, are not widely understood by residents, and may be catching them unprepared.


Biggert-Waters Act - Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012

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Canarsie Resilience Meeting _ Wednesday November 20th, 2013

Community Resilience Collaborative Session

Wednesday, November 20st 2013 6:00 PM


Congregation AAA Sfard

1385 E 94th St, Brooklyn, NY 11236

(Bet. Avenue K & L)

 The Case for Collaboration and Community Engagement as Cornerstones for Community Resilience Planning:

·         Building Community Disaster Resilience through Private–Public Collaboration


·         Residents and Participants break out into working groups to identify gaps  and the top 5 solution sets.

·         Re-group and summarize lessons learned and what are the next steps in the Canarsie Recovery Cycle?

             What can residents do to help themselves?


Discussion of Pilot Project – Canarsie Natural Healing Center / Eco–village Community.


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Join Sandy-Impacted Communities to Light the Shore!


Photo credit: Trevor Messersmith

The Municipal Art Society of New York -

On Tuesday October 29th – the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy – groups from across the region will be lighting up the coastline to acknowledge the impact of the storm and the on-going resilience challenges we collectively face.  Groups in Staten Island, Red Hook, Lower East Side, in Connecticut and all down  the Jersey shore will join together with flashlights and candles along the coast.  The goal is to have the entire Sandy-impacted coastline illuminated!

All communities are welcome to join their friends and neighbors and line the coast in solidarity for a resilient future!  Information about specific community meeting spots and times are shown below: 

Lower East Side
Time: 6:45PM to 8:15PM
Where: East River Park

The Hard Math of Flood Insurance in a Warming World


A man walks through flooded streets in Hoboken, New Jersey, after Superstorm Sandy | Emile Wamsteker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

As subsidized rates of federal flood insurance rise, property owners along the coasts get angry. But we need insurance that reflects the risks of a changing planet - by Bryan Walsh - October 1, 2013

Thousands of homeowners in flood-prone parts of the country are going to be in for a rude awakening.  On Oct. 1, new changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which offers government-subsidized policies for households and businesses threatened by floods, mean that businesses in flood zones and homes that have been severely or repeatedly flooded will start going up 25% a year until rates reach levels that would reflect the actual risk from flooding. (Higher rates for second or vacation homes went into effect at the start of 2013.) That means that property owners in flood-prone areas who might have once been paying around $500 a year—rates that were well below what the market would charge, given the threat from flooding—will go up by thousands of dollars over the next decade.

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Rebuild by Design Public Receptions in New York and New Jersey


Photo: Cameron Blaylock

Rebuild by Design is hosting two public receptions in New York and New Jersey to hear Rebuild by Design's ten Design Teams discuss their research and the ideas born out of their work.

This is a critical moment for the Rebuild by Design project and a perfect occasion to learn more about the teams' thoughtful and unique visions to make our region more resilient.

The proposals follow three months of in-depth analysis and public outreach, including both one-on-one conversations with people living in affected areas and robust guided conversations with Design Teams and citizens. This will lead up to a selection of projects each team will pursue in the design phase—the next and final portion of the competition.

Breakfast Reception at NYU - RSVP
8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
60 Washington Square South,New York, NY
Kimmel Center, 4th Floor

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FEMA Flood Map Service Center

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Canarsie Elementary Students roll up sleeves and pick crops from school garden

National Flood Insurance Program

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Canarsie Community <Light our Way to Recovery> October 29, 2013, Canarsie Park 6:30pm

 Light Our Way To Recovery is a candlelight commemorative gathering of the constituents of the Canarsie community, one of the many disaster impacted communities on the Eastern USA coastline. This event is given in remembrance of those persons who lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Sandy; to honor the people who volunteered and who continue to help; to highlight the need for support for Canarsie disaster victims who continue to struggle to rebuild, recover and survive the emotional maelstrom caused by the life changing events of October 29th 2012. 

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DEC Accepting Applications for Environmental Grant


Press Release - October 15, 2013 

Assemblyman Goldfeder Announces DEC Accepting Applications for Environmental Grant

State Funding Available to Improve Urban Environments & Parks, Especially in Sandy-Damaged Neighborhoods Nearly $500,000 in Grants Will Be Provided to Eligible Applicants, Including Municipalities, Public Benefit Corporations, Public Authorities, School Districts and Not-for-Profit Organizations

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What we learned from citizen response to Superstorm Sandy evacation orders and how this has impacted the way we issue storm warnings

As Superstorm Sandy approached, and residents in coastal areas from Maryland to Connecticut were ordered to evacuate, many residents chose to stay put.  There are various reasons for this and analysis of these reasons has led to changes in the way storm warnings are now issued and will be issued in the future.

[Read entire article]

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In Canarsie, a Flood Map Is Seen as Long Overdue


Stefan Leon, 19, whose Canarsie home was flooded by Hurricane Sandy, said of the new flood map, “It’s good for future reference, but it’s too late for what’s already happened."  Michael Nagle for The New York Times - by Cara Buckley - January 30, 2013

When the federal government introduced new maps this week showing a marked increase in flood-prone areas near New York City’s coast, the general sentiment in Canarsie, Brooklyn — much of which is newly in a flood zone — was, “What took them so long?”

The neighborhood is scant blocks from Jamaica Bay, pancake flat and a stone’s throw from the auspiciously titled Fresh Creek. It’s where, the story goes, local residents once beseeched the city to erect a wall to guard them from a tidal surge. And it’s where, as Hurricane Sandy hit, floodwaters raced through the streets, beat down doors to fill basements and chased inhabitants clutching computers, clothes and rescued pets to upper floors.


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