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U.S. FDA authorizes spring covid booster shots for older adults and the immunocompromised

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People ages 65 and older and those who are immunocompromised will be allowed to receive an additional dose of Covid-19 vaccine this spring if they wish, the Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.

In authorizing another dose for people in these demographics, the agency is following in the footsteps of Canada and the United Kingdom, which earlier announced that older adults, adults who live in care facilities, and people who are immunocompromised would have access to an additional booster of vaccine this spring. In the U.K., adults 75 and older are eligible; in Canada, adults must be 80 or older to receive an extra dose.


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The agency also said any adult who has not yet been vaccinated will get one dose of an updated bivalent shot, rather than starting with the original vaccine and receiving the bivalent shot as a booster. The FDA is withdrawing authorization for those older COVID-19 vaccines targeting the original strain of the virus.

It's part of an overall move to simplify the COVID-19 vaccination process, the agency said in a statement. United States regulators are shifting towards a flu shot-like model for COVID-19 vaccines, where people get a single shot every year that's updated annually to match the virus strain predicted to be in circulation.


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