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Patchwork approach to contact tracing hampers national recovery

A patchwork approach to contact tracing across state health departments is making it increasingly difficult to know where people are getting exposed to COVID-19.

While some states like Louisiana and Washington state publicly track detailed data related to COVID-19 cases in bars, camps, daycares, churches, worksites and restaurants, most states do not, creating obstacles to preventing future cases.

The extensive spread of the virus, combined with the country's 50-state approach to pandemic response, has led to a dearth of information about where transmissions are occurring. Those shortcomings are in turn complicating efforts to safely open the economy and to understand the risks associated with certain activities and settings.

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White House privately warned states of Covid-19 ‘red zone’ threat, records show

Senior Trump administration officials in June privately warned seven states about dangerous coronavirus outbreaks that put them in the highest risk "red zone" while publicly dismissing concerns about a second wave of Covid-19, according to White House documents House Democrats released on Monday.

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IN DEPTH: U.S. Will Revive Global Virus-Hunting Effort Ended Last Year

A worldwide virus-hunting program allowed to expire last year by the Trump administration, just before the coronavirus pandemic broke out, will have a second life — whatever the outcome of the presidential election.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. has promised that, if elected, he will restore the program, called Predict, which searched for dangerous new animal viruses in bat caves, camel pens, wet markets and wildlife-smuggling routes around the globe.

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U.S. coronavirus cases approach 6 million as Midwest, schools face outbreaks

(Reuters) - U.S. cases of the novel coronavirus were approaching 6 million on Sunday as many Midwest states reported increasing infections, according to a Reuters tally.

Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota have recently reported record one-day increases in new cases while Montana and Idaho are seeing record numbers of currently hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

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ANALYSIS/FACTCHECK: G.O.P. Convention Created an Alternative America Beyond Covid-19

For four days, the Republican National Convention constructed a false image of America beyond the pandemic, where President Trump had moved quickly and effectively to crush the coronavirus.

The truth is another story.

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