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Food stamp recipients face cuts for the Holidays

Benefit cuts to food stamp recipients kick in Friday, a move by Congress that will siphon $5 billion off a program that helps one in seven Americans put breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table.

As president of the Food Bank for New York City, Margaret Purvis expects those cuts will draw even more people to organizations that already provide 400,000 meals a day to hungry city folks.


"Our members are panicking," she said as time wound down before the benefit decreases go into effect. "We're telling everyone to make sure that you are prepared for longer lines."


Needy Americans who receive food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are expected to suffer an average loss of $36 a month from a $275.13 per household benefit. There are a near-record 47.6 million Americans, representing 23.1 million households, on the program. The cost of the program will hit $63.4 billion in 2013.


SNAP allocations built into President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill are coming to an end, leading to the cuts. Over the past few years, a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans have voted in favor of the cuts in exchange for increased education funding and school nutrition programs.


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Food stamp recipients face cuts for the Holidays

Benefit cuts to food stamp recipients kick in Friday, a move by Congress that will siphon $5 billion off a program that helps one in seven Americans put breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table.

As president of the Food Bank for New York City, Margaret Purvis expects those cuts will draw even more people to organizations that already provide 400,000 meals a day to hungry city folks.


"Our members are panicking," she said as time wound down before the benefit decreases go into effect. "We're telling everyone to make sure that you are prepared for longer lines."


Needy Americans who receive food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are expected to suffer an average loss of $36 a month from a $275.13 per household benefit. There are a near-record 47.6 million Americans, representing 23.1 million households, on the program. The cost of the program will hit $63.4 billion in 2013.


SNAP allocations built into President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus bill are coming to an end, leading to the cuts. Over the past few years, a bipartisan group of Democrats and Republicans have voted in favor of the cuts in exchange for increased education funding and school nutrition programs.


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Wednesday, 11/6, join the climate change and vulnerable populations discussion at the Brooklyn Historical Society,

Brooklyn Long Term Recovery Group


FREE This Wednesday, 11/6, join the climate change and vulnerable populations discussion at the Brooklyn Historical Society, 6PM-7:30PM. The focus will be on Red Hook, Sunset Park and Williamsburg.


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Canarsie Meeting _ Green Jobs, Organic farming and Eco-Community Building


Community Meeting - Eco Communities 


Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Place: Congregation AAA Sfard

1385 E 94th St, Brooklyn, NY 11236

(Bet. Avenue K & L)

(718) 272-6933




  • Special Guest Mr. Seabert Harper,

    Horticulturist, and Environmental Educator


  • Alpha Assessment

  • Green Job Training

  • Green Business Development & Sustainability

  • Planting Natural Organic Community Gardens

  • Going Green: Engaging Seniors and Students

  • Funding & Budgeting for a Greener, Resilient Canarsie


Soft Refreshments Will Be Served


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Canarsie Eco Village Community Resilience Pilot

Canarsie Healing Center & EcoVillage - Community Resilience Pilot Initiative


Canarsie Eco Village & Natural Healing Center is one proposed initiative from the community as part of an encompassing plan for the future of Canarsie. Said local Rabbi Yosef Serebryanski or Rabbi Yossi, as he is fondly called by everyone " An eco-community can be an integral sustaining power for Canarsie to weather any future storms, natural or man-made.It is important for any group of people living together to have clean water and food during any disaster. If it is freely available then it also means there is no need for rioting, pillaging or mayhem as it allows people to continue to co-exist peacefully."

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The Hard Math of Flood Insurance in a Warming World


A man walks through flooded streets in Hoboken, New Jersey, after Superstorm Sandy | Emile Wamsteker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

As subsidized rates of federal flood insurance rise, property owners along the coasts get angry. But we need insurance that reflects the risks of a changing planet - by Bryan Walsh - October 1, 2013

Thousands of homeowners in flood-prone parts of the country are going to be in for a rude awakening.  On Oct. 1, new changes to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which offers government-subsidized policies for households and businesses threatened by floods, mean that businesses in flood zones and homes that have been severely or repeatedly flooded will start going up 25% a year until rates reach levels that would reflect the actual risk from flooding. (Higher rates for second or vacation homes went into effect at the start of 2013.) That means that property owners in flood-prone areas who might have once been paying around $500 a year—rates that were well below what the market would charge, given the threat from flooding—will go up by thousands of dollars over the next decade.

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Canarsie Community <Light our Way to Recovery> October 29, 2013, Canarsie Park 6:30pm

 Light Our Way To Recovery is a candlelight commemorative gathering of the constituents of the Canarsie community, one of the many disaster impacted communities on the Eastern USA coastline. This event is given in remembrance of those persons who lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Sandy; to honor the people who volunteered and who continue to help; to highlight the need for support for Canarsie disaster victims who continue to struggle to rebuild, recover and survive the emotional maelstrom caused by the life changing events of October 29th 2012. 

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