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Locations in US of long COVID clinics

For the millions of people in the United States with long COVID, getting help comes down to where they live. Long COVID clinics have been popping up, but their accessibility and the kind of care they offer vary wildly.

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Doctors are trying to understand why Covid Patients Coming Off Ventilators Can Take Weeks to Regain Consciousness

In March 2020, New York City’s hospitals filled up with patients desperately ill with Covid-19. In many cases, when their fluid-filled lungs could no longer give them oxygen, doctors sedated them and put them on ventilators.

The patients who recovered were taken off the machines and anesthesia. Within a day or so, their doctors expected them to wake up.

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Mild Covid victims had increased risk of blood clots-- British study

People who caught mild Covid had increased risk of blood clots, British study finds

People who caught mild cases of Covid-19 during the first year of the pandemic had a higher risk of developing blood clots than those who were not infected, according to a large study published by British scientists this week.


The scientists said their findings highlight the importance of monitoring even people who had mild Covid for cardiovascular disease over the long term.






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COVID disrupted measles vaccinations in Africa ; now cases are surging

COVID disrupted measles vaccinations in Africa and now cases are surging | Reuters

The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted measles vaccine campaigns globally in 2020 and 2021, leaving millions of children unprotected against one of the world's most contagious diseases, whose complications include blindness, pneumonia and death.

After what health experts call the biggest backslide in a generation, 26 large or disruptive measles outbreaks have sprung up worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. A devastating outbreak in Zimbabwe has killed more than 700 children this year, chiefly among religious sects that do not believe in vaccinations.

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